Starting off right now there are 5 of us (and one on the way) and 3 dogs living in a 2 bedroom trailer... With a big orange cat who lives outside. The dynamic doesn't work. The manly man of the household just went back to work (nights this week). He works 45 minutes away.
Because of this our short term goals right now include:
- pay down/ off our high power bill accrued over the Winter in this cold trailer
- find somewhere to rent, either outside of Truro or in Pictou county
- survive until then
Very straight forward. Him being back to work will make things easier to get caught up. He makes more money and him driving the 45 minutes each way makes our plight more real... Plus I am 6 months pregnant and we dont want to ad another child to this leaky moldy trailer.
Well... I must go bring the kids lunch to school and get started on some laundry. Chow!
yay!!!! life is good!!!